What are your thoughts on this topic? Leave a comment and let us know!In the TCOY Lessons From My Favorite Bloggers series that I post every month, there is always at least one contribution from Trent who writes The Simple Dollar blog. A blog that offers "financial talk for the rest of us". And he most certainly means it! I have learned so much from reading his blog for a few years now, both in true knowledge and just in a general heightening in my awareness. He makes the frugal seem fun and worthwhile while reminding us to not let it overwhelm us. To utilize money to enhance our lives takes balance and he gets that.
I've thought about casting the TCOY Spotlight on him for quite awhile but could never narrow it down just a few items to share. Thereby, allowing you to visit his site and find your own posts that speak to you. This month, when posts of his completely overwhelmed the TCOY Lessons roundup, I realized that it's time. So, in an unusual fashion for the TCOY Spotlight, I won't be sharing a sampling of posts from a few months but a variety of posts from a single month. As you will see, his writing speaks to many areas of your life where you might focus on Taking Care of Yourself.
The Big Choice
What To Do When You Can't Possibly Prepare Enough
Self Improvement:
A fourteen part series started this month discussing the time management classic "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Trent provided a general overview and is breaking down each chapter into well-thought out posts. Post #3, "Getting Things Done: The Five Phases of Project Planning", was my favorite and what I had planned to add to this month's TCOY Lessons post. All posted so far have been worth a read!
Make Each Day Your Masterpiece
House & Family:
Delayed Gratification and Children
By the way, when you reply to one of Trent's terrific posts below over at The Simple Dollar, please be sure to tell him that Suzanne over at TCOYou.com says "hello".
Until next time...Take Care Of You!
Photo Credit: Heart Spotlight
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