TCOY Lessons From My Favorite Bloggers (Jun10)

While reviewing shareworthy posts to mention on this month's TCOY Lessons, it became apparent that The Simple Dollar blog, a regular contributor to the monthly TCOY Lessons, had so many shareworthy items this month that it was time to give it a TCOY Spotlight of its own!

Please enjoy the TCOY Lessons this month from the bloggers featured below and don't forget to check out the TCOY Spotlight on The Simple Dollar for more good stuff posted this month.

Self Improvement from The Rat Race Trap:
In the Waves of Activity and Renewal, Stephen reminds us that "We are burning up our mental and emotional reserves without giving them a chance to renew". He outlined work pulses and renewal breaks that seem like an ideal way to fill your day if your time can be spent your way.
Work in 40 to 90 minute pulses
You need to work long enough to really get absorbed and into the flow, but not too long.

Renew in 10 to 60 minute breaks
The length of the break depends on the length and intensity of the pulse. There are no rules here. Find a rhythm that works for you. The key is to ride your waves and then take time to renew.

Renewal breaks must be real
Switching from an intensely creative effort to processing a batch of email may seem like a break, but it is pseudo-renewal. It may be better than nothing, but you need real renewal.
Life Clutter:
First up is a post from Kathy, a friend of mine from the Flyladies & More forum, who is a cleaning lady by profession and knows a thing or two about clutter. In her blog, "Things your cleaning lady never told you, she shares her insight about how a lack of "me" time is one of the causes of mental clutter in her post titled "Clutter of the Mind".

Unclutterer offered 2 useful strategies for helping to get past whatever it is that is holding you back from decluttering.

In "Will someone be able to use this before I do?", we are reminded that clutter serves no useful purpose being hidden/stored away. If you have infrequently items hanging around your place (or ones that were previously used but no longer, like clothing that isn't your size and hasn't been for a long while), consider passing them on to someone who will use them now and possibly even more frequently than you ever did. Odds are good that such items will find a much happier new home and you will find some new space, which is useful indeed!

And, in Reader uncluttering strategy: Buy back your stuff, Erin says (and I wholeheartedly agree):
I think this idea would work amazingly well for some situations — helping kids to minimize their toy collections, reducing the number of clothes in a closet, and deciding which sentimental items to keep and which to toss are a few situations that instantly come to my mind. If you have to “buy” your things again, you will certainly be more selective with what you choose to keep.
Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Iron Design

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