Abundently Full of Gratitude

If you read even half of last month's TCOY Lessons, you probably picked up on a theme that's been pretty strong in my life recently: Gratitude. My heart has been so abundantly fully of gratitude lately that it's been heavy!

Growing my inner awareness has been a wonderfully amazing journey so far. One of the strongest effects that I've seen/felt is the overflowing happiness and gratitude that I'm now aware of in both my mind and heart. Sure, I knew I'd feel better about myself, my life, etc., however that rose-tinted glasses feeling of how everything is seen, felt, smelled, tasted and heard has certainly been a surprise.

I've read many posts/articles about gratitude, relating to why you'd what to increase it all the way to a person trying to describe how it feels to them. It is unconveyable, I feel. Though I could read the passion in their words, I couldn't relate. Now that I'm the one feeling it, I know why. It must be lived to be understood.

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

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