Accepting the 365 Days of Decluttering Challenge for 2010?

If you want a
golden rule that
will fit everything,
this is it:
Have nothing in
your houses that
you do not know
to be useful or
believe to be

William Morris

As TCOYou is fairly new and small, I'm not sure how much of my history you may know or do not know. My first blogging endeavor, the 365 Days of Decluttering Challenge blog, was just to highlight an event that was going on inside a Delphi forum where I participated. I'd decided to work on myself by committing to decluttering one item from my home per day for the next 365 days; decluttering was easy for me but doing anything routinely was not! So, I asked on the forum "Who wants to join me?" The response was amazing! In addition to forum participants, I'd hear that they had spread the word to coworkers, family members and friends. For one person alone, I could count their reach to 8 people! That same person convinced me that I needed to create a blog as a central point for those outside the forum.

That year of blogging taught me a lot about blog creation and how much I love sharing information with others. This is what brought out the idea for the Taking Care Of You blog and how I became a blogger for real.

Now, with everyone on the 365 Days of Decluttering Challenge blog starting at different times, I thought it would be unifying if there was a monthly date when those of us in the challenge could celebrate our anniversary together. I announced that the 22nd of the month would be our anniversary and, on that day each month, I would send out an encouraging message and a gift called a Focus Challenge.

The Focus Challenge was to serve as a reminder to everyone that, actually, we are not doing this all alone. Many other people are right there beside us doing the same thing, at the same time. Some are going through the same challenges, and some face others, but we are all united in one purpose!

With a brand new year just around the corner, many of us are already preparing for a fresh start! I wholeheartedly believe that living by that quote above is one of the best ways for Taking Care Of You. Those who've accepted and completed their own challenge to declutter at least one item from their lives per day for one full year are already 365 objects lighter, and freer.

Are you ready to accept your own 365 Days of Decluttering Challenge?

If so, declare your acceptance on the 365 Days of Decluttering Challenge start page and you'll get to see for yourself how amazing you will feel just one year later!

Remember those little Focus Challenges I mentioned before? Well, I pasted the link to each of them below, for your convenience.

Please, remember these were issued monthly just to give a little kick of motivation for the coming week. I am sharing these with you to help motivate, not to overwhelm yourselves; the clutter does that to us already!

So, whether you use these as weekly challenges for the first 12 weeks of 2010
or to use them as monthly kickoffs for each of the coming 12 months,
Focus Challenge #1Focus Challenge #5Focus Challenge #9
Focus Challenge #2Focus Challenge #6Focus Challenge #10
Focus Challenge #3Focus Challenge #7Focus Challenge #11
Focus Challenge #4Focus Challenge #8Focus Challenge #12
(this one you create
for yourself!)
Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Woman In A Beautiful, Uncluttered Home

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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Keeping Your Sanity While Raising Sane Children (Part 1)

Do you feel like you gained children but lost sanity? I know I do.

I thought this topic would make a great post, however, there really are two parts to the equation: 1) Keeping your sanity while doing the parenting and 2) Developing your parenting so that it raises sane children as well. I'm a big believer on doing any kind of 'life fixing' type of work on the inside first as evidenced by a quote from the very first post here on Taking Care Of You...and one you may not have seen!

Much like the flight safety announcement telling you that in the event of a crash you must first put on your own oxygen mask and then help others, the concept of taking care of us first needs reminding, as it is most important.
So, this next awareness focus is going to be covered in 2 posts; Part I is today and Keeping Your Sanity While Raising Sane Children - Part II will be posted in one month.

Why? Well, with the information overload we face these days, I think the first post needs to mull around in your mind for awhile before we move on. You'll have had time to be immersed in real life for awhile after considering the first post and your mind will feel more open to what you read when you read Part II. That's my belief anyways. :-)

Part I: Keeping Your Sanity

Increase the good moments. The good stuff, the stuff of good memories of our experiences, can occur because we consciously looked for opportunities to make them happen. Here are some of my favorites:
  • Waking my child peacefully; starting with slowing myself down, then adding in moments of tenderness with a back rub or quiet talking, and maybe even snuggling in with them for a few minutes.
  • Turning up the radio in the car when a favorite song is on and parent(s) and kid(s) alike are singing right along.
  • Sharing a private moment in a room full of others by making eye contact and flashing my child the 'I love you' sign....which might become the thumbs up sign later on down the road, if that bit of affection might not be so welcome anymore.
Besides making your child feel good, this helps you to feel good. Free from all the 'have to's' in our day and the 'same 'ol, same 'ol' feel, you get to reconnect with your child in a most simple and loving way.

Weather the difficult moments as best as you can. Whether it's a tantrum by your 4 year old or your 14 year old (yeah, they still have them!), how you deal with the tantrum will affect your feelings about your child, yourself and your parenting success.

Additionally, learning to filter out the stuff that just doesn't matter will greatly help you in the moment and beyond. That lady in the checkout line giving you the look, or worse, her unsolicited advice? Subtly smile and nod on the outside; and hold true to who you are, your parenting objective and to remember that your child will not base their childhood memories on this one incident. I promise. :-)

Embrace being the 'Mean' parent. Some may call it 'not being their friend', some may say it's 'tough love parenting', etc. but what I intend by being the 'Mean' parent is when a parent performs an action, allows a behavior, etc. based on their own heart's intentions and not at the whim of the child.

I once read this humorously titled post by Corey from Simple Marriage on a guest post at SimpleMom called "What Kids Need Most -- Cool Parents". Here is a gem that highlights what I mean by being the 'Mean' parent:
Let natural consequences teach the lessons. Give up the goal of being liked by your kids – parenting is not a popularity contest. It’s not for wimps – it’s a sacred charge to be in charge. Let the consequences do the screaming. They didn’t do their homework, so let the low score teach the lesson. Meanwhile, you are an understanding and empathetic ear for them to talk to. You get to support them, but not necessarily their choice.
Most especially, may I please emphasize, no helicopter parenting! I know why some parents are so protective of their children's childhood experience but the consequences to the child in the short- and long-term should not be cast aside because of our own needs.

Enjoy yourself. I'm sure you already know that children don't only play for fun, but for many more reasons as well. The sense of joy and well-being that fills them during play permeates many of their daily actions and doesn't allow life to get too heavy for them. I think we should take a cue from this approach and remember to bring out the inner child still within us.

Finding a balance between stuff we HAVE to do and stuff we WANT to do is child’s play. Kids do it all the time: school, homework, sports, recitals, chores… AND FUN. Fun is always in there because it is as important to a child as all the others put together, maybe more so. (Be sure to read the Comments on the link as well!)

So there you have it...a few of my ideas on how to keep your sanity during this life experience called 'Parenting'.

Part II - Raising Sane Children will be here before you know it! Use this month to work on yourself so you can share the sanity with your precious progeny next month and beyond.

In the meantime, how about sharing your parenting wisdom with us. What inspired thoughts can you add about your parenting journey? Have you come out the other side and managed to keep your sanity while you raised sane children? Please, share your success story with us. We'd love to read it.

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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Take Care Of Yourself By Reaching Out

To date we've identified the need to build quality relationships, to balance our roles in this world and to clear away stuff that clutters our lives. However, in this me-centered world, it may be a surprise to think about the following: others are important too.

Today, reach out and thank someone meaningful in your life.

  • A coworker who makes the work day more enjoyable (or bearable :-)
  • Your child for telling you a story about their day and making you laugh
  • An "A" friend who doesn't need to hear it because they already know it
  • An online friend (that you may never meet in real life) but who does provide substance nearly every day to your real life
  • A parent for still loving and supporting you (not literally, hopefully)...even after the childhood days when "they couldn't own nice things" because money was tight or for fear of the kids breaking it, those crazy teenage years for whatever you did, the early adulthood years spent figuring this whole adult thing out, etc.
  • Your spouse for ___ (specific to their love language and how they express it...such as "saying 'I love you' before we go to sleep", "hugging me when I talk about a difficult part of my day", or even "taking out the trash so the kitchen won't smell")
Doing an action that reminds you of the good stuff in your life will help you strengthen your focus on Taking Care Of Yourself in a thoroughly positive way.

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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Random Bits on Marriage and Relationships

Below is a collect of random bits that I've collected while reading online. Some were saved for future writing material, while others were just for me to save to read again when I needed that perspective. Hope you also enjoy the insight of these excellent bloggers.

Hayden from Through the Illusion shared this wisdom on Why Get Married:

Marriage is personal development boot camp. You will demand much from your partner, as they will from you. You will be challenged to open your being in love, even as you are angry. You will be challenged to fully forgive transgressions both major and minor. Your marriage, in short, is the daily practical exercise of the opportunity to be your best self. And what you master at home, you take into the world.
Tess from The Bold Life offers these 12 Tips To Be Bold & Set Your Heart On Fire. Can you believe I selfishly thought of not sharing these on just yet because I want to write a whole post about her AWESOME advice? That may still happen someday. In the meantime, I sincerely believe that absorbing even half of her advice into your day-to-day will result in Taking Care Of You, while taking care of that relationship with the person you are sharing your life with at this moment.

Corey from Simple Marriage offers up his list of 20 Must Read Blogs For Married People. Believe it or not, many of them don't even directly relate to married life, yet each deal with a component of the whole.


If you check out any of the blogs by these great people, I'm sure you will find something to appreciate in their writing like I do. I would really appreciate you sharing a comment about your thoughts on the blogs/bloggers I've chosen or just these "best of the web" type posts. Do you find them uninteresting or should I keep them coming?

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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Quote to Reflect Upon (Dec09)

True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness.
- Albert Einstein

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Light Reflection

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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