The Power of My Choice

This month's Quote to Reflect Upon really spoke to me. Here it is for you to read again.

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
- Kofi Annan

Choosing is such a powerful concept. And one I remind myself of daily, as situations arise and I must choose how to feel, how to respond, how to cope, how to appreciate, etc. By gaining this awareness, I have freed myself of much torture by realizing my power; the power of my choice. I have used that power to break the habit of procrastination. I have used that power to appreciate each moment, just as it is, because the sum of it all is my life. I even use it to remind myself that life just is; I can choose to see it one way or another.

So, with all of that practice choosing thoughts, feelings, actions, etc. I was surprised to find this pretty self aware person forgetting the power of her own choice. And, recently, it finally caught up to me. It seems that since my awareness was AWOL, life decided to put some smelling salts under my nose and get me to wake up!

The Wake Up Call
At work, I have always been the one to do more than expected, be better than the other choice, etc. And, understandably, the more responsible one is given the most work. Somehow, over time, I had allowed it to become a burden. Something I shouldered because it is just who I am. Last month, the burden became too much to carry. In fact, my fatigued muscles could no longer hold it and I dropped it.

A little background: I have one true boss but 2 separate jobs. The second job is actually managed by the asst. boss, so I run my work through him. This whole experience began by me uttering the words that are very hard for me to say. I told him, "It pains me to say that I can't do something, but I just can't." The surprised look on his face indicated that he really wasn't ready for steady Suzanne not to be able to handle it all. The encounter ended with me understanding that as he isn't my true boss, he wasn't going to do a thing about my concerns.

I actually planned to just keep plugging away and going on, same as before. However, for the days following that day, I would actually find my mood dropping noticeably as I pulled my car into the driveway at work. Events during the day that would normally frustrate me but be held in check were suddenly handled by this emotional basket case who couldn't 'keep it together' anymore. I had been overwhelmed by this burden for a year and a half but, all of the sudden, my insides were saying "Enough!"

With choice comes responsibility and I, somehow, forgot the responsibility I keep in high regard: the responsibility of taking care of me.

If You Don't Look Out for Yourself, Who Will?
I scheduled a meeting with my boss with the preface that I wanted my job duties reevaluated because unresolved workload issues had been building up and I was at a breaking point. And, as I don't like to present problems without possible solutions, I said that I specifically wanted to discuss removing one of the following from my area of responsibility: Job A (preferred) or Jobs B, C & D.

In the end, there were some great changes made and some rotten ones as well. Time will tell if this choice to stand up for myself will change their behavior in the future. As for me, I am thrilled to have finally woken up and remembered the power of my choice.

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

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Just Breathe

Today, while taking the day's outgoing mail from our office to our mailbox (a bit of a walk as we are set back off the main road where the mailbox is), I did what I usually do. My first exposure outside of "fluorescent city" (as I call the building I work in) into the outdoors always makes me want to become aware of my breathing. As Leo Babauta shared on Simple Marriage, breathing can transform your life.

I use the walk to take long breaths, in and out, through my nose. As my mind focuses in on the breathing, I become aware of my shoulders dropping, losing some tension brought on by working at a computer. I become aware of other parts of my body feeling less heavy as my breaths are now longer, fuller, more nourishing to them.

Sometimes thoughts, usually relating to troublesome areas of my day or my life in general, will come up, do their mind dance and fade away. These are the same thoughts that have been causing me grief, yet now are just thoughts; the emotional tug is non-existent. Do you experience things like this and know what I mean? I can't find the words to describe it.

Regardless, for those few minutes, I am able to go outside of my emotions and just be. It's an incredibly short but powerful feeling that affects me in a positive way for the rest of the day.

Taking care of you is important. Every minute of your life is an opportunity for doing it! I found time for a TCOY 1 Minute Focus today.

Care to be an inspiration and share with us how you spent yours?

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved


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Moving Forward Financially: Part 2

This post is part of the Fearless Living Series, whose posts serve to spotlight areas of your life where fear may be holding you back and to motivate you to find a plan to use in squelching that fear. As long as fear hinders or motivates you, Taking Care Of You will not be a priority in your life.

As Leo Babauta of Zen Habits said so well, "When you take action on a problem, it’s not so bad — it’s just a series of steps you need to take to solve the problem...The plan will kill the fear. It is taking something that is scary and unknown, and turning it into something concrete, solvable, doable."

Fear is such a life drainer. Do not give your power over to fear. Instead, use that fear as a catalyst to prompt you into action. Are you ready to take your power back and experience Taking Care Of You through fearless living?

I used to think of my employment as having to continually earn more money for me so I could spend more money. About the time that I began moving forward financially in my life, my awareness had also recently shifted. Now what I believe is that there is more to it than just that alone. I also am choosing what to spend my life energy on.

From Your Money or Your Life: Money is something we choose to trade our life energy for. Our life energy is our allotment of time here on earth, the hours of precious life available to us. When we go to our jobs we are trading our life energy for money. [...]

Our life energy is more real in our actual experience than money. You could even say money equals life energy. So, while money has no intrinsic reality, our life energy does — at least to us. It’s tangible, and it’s finite. Life energy is all we have. It is precious because it is limited and irretrievable and because our choices about how we use it express the meaning and purpose of our time here on Earth.

I've settled in to work for a non-profit company that is generally balanced between income, responsibilities and its impact on my own personal life. I'm working on clearing away the debt created from choosing to allow another to control my finances. I've realized that I feel secure when there is money in the bank that is just there to cover emergencies and that is there to fund my needs in the future (my first car without a car payment, hopefully!) My financial strategy has also moved past the day-to-day in regards to planning and saving for retirement.

In the first Moving Forward Financially post, your top priority was to take the time to appreciate who you were in the past, realize that the choices you made were the best you could do at the time and forgive yourself. This step is to sweep aside all of that past stuff and prepare yourself for moving forward.
When it comes to your finances, there is no looking back at the job choices you've made, the money you've spent, etc. It's all past tense; there isn't anything you can do to change them. What you do have the ability to change is from today going forward.

At the end of the post, your 'assignment' was to use this new 'clean slate' feeling to decide on how you wished to proceed and decide on your plan for what comes next financially. Specifically, to do your research and look at the numerous methods for acquiring, saving and spending money so that you could find the financial strategy that does work for you---that motivates you, utilizes your strengths, does not work against you, etc.--and move forward on it!

If you still haven't yet poked around the internet a bit and tried to develop your own financial strategy, below are a few links that have helped me. Maybe they will give you the inspiration you need for moving forward.

My strategy is best said by J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly. Here it is.

It’s my belief that a strong personal economy is still built on fundamentals such as these:

  • Clear financial goals
  • An adequate emergency fund
  • Limited use of debt
  • The practice of thrift
  • Smart investing for the future
"If you don't have any financial objectives or goals, you'll likely spend most of your life aimlessly earning and spending and making little traction in the process", says Money Saving Mom Crystal Paine.

The following from Trent Hamm at The Simple Dollar is a 2-for-1 covering creating your own small emergency fund and eliminating/avoiding high interest debt. Be sure to follow the links in the post too!

Save more money by doing less using The Two-Headed Savings Approach by Ramit Sethi.

It may feel like you're throwing your money away but keep investing says Generation X Finance.

In conclusion, I leave you with Your Money: The Rules from It's Your Money! and Financial Serenity--The Missing Ingredient by Neal Frankle.

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Fear In The Eye
Photo Credit: Moving On Up
Photo Credit: Thinking About Money

Copyright © 2009 by | all rights reserved

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Life Just Gets In The Way Sometimes

First, I must begin by apologizing for my sudden and complete abandonment of this blog and all things tied in to it (i.e. emails, twitter, etc.) It was not intentional and, somehow, even this "very aware" person didn't quite catch it until late in the game. If you're even reading this, then I know you haven't given up on me and will be here, ready to see what's coming up next. For that, THANK YOU so incredibly much.

Suzanne Fell Off the Face of the Earth...and Made It Back Around
In late July, the time between posts was spent working on producing new content, as usual, in my efforts to heighten the focus on Taking Care of You. As it sometimes happens, though, life got in the way soon thereafter. With my children starting school in late July (isn't that insanely early? anyways...), there was an adjustment period with my daughter beginning Kindergarten in "the big school" and with my son also going through an adjustment period as he began a new school year at the same school for the first time (he started there in late January 2009). Thankfully, all went well and they are settled in, loving their teachers and excited to be going to this school. Life is good.

My day job shifts into crazy overload from June through the end of August as we work with schools and the transition from one year to the next is pretty hectic. So, at the same time that my personal life was "crazy busy" (a saying I use in real life :-), the other area of my life where I am expected to be SuperWoman was in high gear. This year things there are in a new & different kind of upheaval and, my goodness, did handling that completely wipe me out! When I came home, I was mentally and physically exhausted. The physical part was surprising to me as I have a desk job. However, it did become obvious to me that during the whole day I was stressed, tense AND didn't move much at all (except what is necessary to operate a computer). That will do it alright.

So, for the first 3 weeks of August, I would come home, bond with my kids while talking about their school day, fall asleep on the couch, wake up to eat dinner & do household work (clean kitchen, put away clean laundry, etc.), get my kids ready for bed and then fall into my own bed...not to have "Me Time" as usual but to sleep so I had the energy to face another day.

With nagging regret, more and more days passed in August without having anything left to give the blog. I almost posted something small just to say "I'm still alive. Really overwhelmed right now. Be back soon."

But, for some reason, pride wouldn't let me make that a permanent part of this blog. I even took the time to really contemplate why that was. Am I afraid of appearing to be 'unprofessional' about managing my blog because this part-time blogger can't even keep that up? Is it because I felt that just popping on here for a second would lead to making my quick post turn into a long one and I didn't have time/energy for that? If you saw that and realized it was just my perfectionism sneaking out and going unchecked, then good job! :-)

What's Next?
Now we are at the end of this crazy story. And, when someone is lost, there comes a time to determine "Where do I go from here?"

Do I give up?
Do I hold a pity party for myself?
Do I perserve?

I've had time to think about it and here's my decision. As I am starting a new month with not even a single post written, I am a little behind. Getting back into blogger mode may take a bit of time, but absence has made the heart grow fonder, so I'm eager to get back into my work here at Taking Care of You. I will not allow my problem with perfectionism to use this interruption as reason to quit. I will not whine about how hard it is to be me. I will not quit.

This month's Quote to Reflect Upon has been one I've had saved for awhile. When I was choosing this month's quote, the bells & sirens were going off as I read it. For you see, an event like this just happened. I'll write more about a recent wake up call that occurred to remind me of the power of my choice. Stay tuned...

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

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Quote to Reflect Upon (Sept09)

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
- Kofi Annan

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Light Reflection

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