Balance, Balance, Use Your Balance

Since I am a mom and have heard this little tune sung by JoJo of JoJo's Circus several times, it has gotten stuck in my mind. If you're familiar with this little tune, then you're likely to be a mom too...or just happen to watch Playhouse Disney sans kids. No worries, I'm not here to judge. :-)

When songs from my kids' television shows get stuck in my head, I live by the
"If you can't beat them, you might as well join them" philosophy. I've taken to singing it myself when the need arises. My kids certainly enjoy hearing me reference these important life lessons that were delivered via their favorite characters and I allow the kid in me to have her fun too. Most times I sing it to myself when I'm feeling out of balance because of stress, too much overload, feeling a time crunch, etc. I sing it out loud when there is friction between the kids and I, or simply because they are walking on a curb, as kids love to do, and happen to be strengthening their balance skills.

The topic of balancing is a big theme amongst many of us moms. We attempt to balance all the areas of our lives and I believe we happen to do it very well. Yes, you too. You are doing very well. Please don't let those nagging thoughts creep in about how you could be doing this, that or the other thing better. We are all doing the best we can at each moment.

Thankfully, many of us choose to keep improving. We still want to do it all; whatever that "all" means to each of us individually. However, we've learned that it doesn't mean we have to juggle everything perfectly, getting assistance from no one else and smiling broadly while making it look effortless. The key to our improvement stems from including ourselves in the line of priority, right in front, and growing our awareness of what life fulfillment truly means to us. It is very important to recognize our own successes so they can motivate us to constantly keep strengthening our balance skills.

For me, I am fulfilled when my life balance is not so far askew that I have to struggle to come upright. I have learned that perfectionism and procrastination will take over if I let it, and that doing so will upset my life fulfillment because of the inner martyr in me coming out. I still have my moments, of course, though my self-awareness has grown strong enough where I see it happening almost outside of myself. It's hard to have a pity party when I'm not reacting on emotion but perceiving the complete situation instead.

Recently, Stacey from CreateABalance invited me to join the Inspiring Moms Club. I am greatly honored by her personal invitation and hope the experience I shared about my role as a mom who is strengthening her life balance skills will be inspiring. After reading my thoughts at the Inspiring Moms Club, I would greatly appreciate you adding your own thoughts in a comment below about how you strengthen your life balance skills. You can be an inspiring mom right here at Taking Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Tightrope Walker
Photo Credit: Seven Balanced Rocks
Photo Credit: Woman Balancing On One Foot

Quote To Reflect Upon (Aug09)

When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.
- William Arthur Ward

Until next time...Take Care Of You!

Photo Credit: Light Reflection

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